Take the Be the Best Nanny Newsletter Survey

Nannies, Children, TV, Social Media, and Video Games Click here to take the Winter 2013 Be the Best Nanny Newsletter Survey1. Do you text or email the parents to keep in touch with them during the work day? 2. Do your employers provide you with a mobile phone for work? 3. Are you allowed to […]

Are Your Charge’s Over Scheduled? Take Our Survey!

What Activities Are Your Charges Engaged In? Do your charges have cell phones, Facebook accounts, and allowed to play freely on the computer? Do they have enough play dates and leisure play time, or do you feel they are over scheduled? Let us know by taking the Be the Best Nanny Newsletter survey. The results […]

Are You the Typical American Nanny?

What is the Typical Nanny Job in America? We want to know what the typical American nanny job is like. Please click here to take our poll so we can add your statistics to our findings. We will publish the results in the next issue of Be the Best Nanny Newsletter.

Our Survey Shows How Nannies Find Jobs Has Changed

More Nannies Use Nanny Web Sites to Find Nanny Jobs In 2007 Be the Best Nanny Newsletter asked 503 nannies how they found their nanny jobs. Then, we asked 618 nannies the same questions in September, 2010. It appears that with new technology comes new ways to find nanny jobs. In our most current poll […]

Monthly Poll for Nannies and Au Pairs

Caring for Children with Special Needs Are you an in-home childcare provider that has cared for a special needs child? What are your biggest challenges caring for special needs children? Do you charge more when caring for special needs children? The May 2010 issue of Be the Best Nanny Newsletter will discuss caring for children […]

How Will Healthcare Reform Affect You?

Many nannies are scared about what might happen if there is healthcare reform. That is why the Be the Best Nanny Newsletter October monthly poll asks nannies about healthcare. We want your input. We want to know, if you work as a nanny do you have health insurance? Do you get health insurance as a […]

Advice from Nannies and Au Pairs About Caring for Multiples

In each issue of Be the Best Nanny Newsletter we conduct a survey. The link for the current poll about cultural differences be found at the top right corner of this blog. In the February, 2007 poll 259 in-home childcare providers answered our questions about caring for multiple births. Just some of their responses are […]

What Chores are the Children Responsible For?

Housekeeping Survey for Nannies and Au Pairs Below are some responses from nannies and au pairs from our monthly poll when asked “What chores are the children responsible for?” at http://www.bestnannynewsletter.com/monthlypoll.htm Debra Mathwig, a nanny from Plymouth, Wisconsin wrote, “I have the children help with everything. It makes them feel good to help me out.” […]

What Housekeeping are Nannies Willing to Do?

Nanny & Au Pair Housekeeping Survey Results Below are more survey results from a Best Nanny Newsletter monthly poll conducted at: http://www.bestnannynewsletter.com/monthlypoll.htm As the children grow up and go to school full-time are you willing to take on more housekeeping duties?Glenda Propst, a nanny with more than 20-years experience wrote, “If a nanny wants to […]

Nanny and Au Pair Housekeeping Poll

What Housekeeping Duties Would You Be Willing To Do if You Were Paid Extra Money? Of the 778 nannies and au pairs that took our poll about what extra housekeeping they would be willing to do if paid extra money: 599 (77%) would be willing to grocery shop, make a food inventory, and put groceries […]