Baby-Led Weaning

Allowing Babies to Feed Themselves Typically parents and nannies slowly introduce purées of fruits and vegetables, rice cereal, and oatmeal to babies on spoons at about six-months-old. With Baby-Led Weaning caregivers allow the babies to feed themselves. Parents and nannies provide soft, appropriate, cut up, finger-sized foods and allow the child to reach for foods […]

The Explosive Child by Ross W. Greene

Kids Do Well When They Can Explosive or challenging kids are children that get far more frustrated, far more easily, far more often, in far more extreme ways, and perform less adaptably and flexibly than most children. In The Explosive Child: A New Approach For Understanding And Parenting Easily Frustrated, Chronically Inflexible Children, Ross W. […]

Handwriting Training Pencil Grips

Products Nannies Love It can be difficult to teach a child to hold their pencil properly. The longer the child holds the writing implement improperly, the harder it becomes to change the bad habit. This Training Pencil Grip has two holes that can fix the thumb and index finger, allowing both righties and lefties to […]