Ready Rocker Portable Rocking Chair

I absolutely love the Ready Rocker Portable Rocking Chair and I highly recommend it for anyone — not just caregivers rocking babies. It turns any chair into a soothing rocker. Any seat in a home, office, or on the road can become an instant rocking chair with the Ready Rocker Portable Rocking Chair. Simply position […]

“Little Leaders Bold Women in Black History” by Vashti Harrison

Little Leaders: Bold Women in Black History by Vashti Harrison educates and inspires as it tells true stories of forty trailblazing black women in American history. Illuminating text paired with irresistible illustrations bring to life both iconic and lesser-known female figures of Black history such as abolitionist Sojourner Truth, pilot Bessie Coleman, chemist Alice Ball, […]

Homemade Chocolate Pudding

Always have the children help you in the kitchen when you can. They can help gather the ingredients, measure, and mix. To prevent lumpy pudding, whisk all the dry ingredients together in a saucepan. Then gradually add the milk, a little bit at a time, whisking thoroughly after each addition until the mixture is smooth. […]

“Fiona Flamingo” by Rachael Urrutia Chu and Craft

My favorite activity to do with children is help them make a craft or do a fun activity that corresponds to their favorite children’s books. My Nanny Kid loves Fiona Flamingo by Rachael Urrutia Chu and enjoyed made her own Fiona with paper plates and colorful tissue paper. There is also a Fiona Flamingo Coloring […]

“Look What Brown Can Do” by T. Marie Harris

Called a modern black history book, “Look What Brown Can Do!” by T. Marie Harris teaches readers about inspiring contributions to black history and encourages kids to dream big. “Look What Brown Can Do!” can help raise the self esteem and awareness of young black and brown children about the many great people that came […]

Portobello Mushroom Meatballs

Cooking for Families These mushroom meatballs are healthy, easy to prepare, and taste absolutely delicious! Serve them with some pasta sauce or plain or as appetizers — which ever your Nanny Family prefers. You will need a food processor to make the meatballs because the mixture is thick. I added some shredded carrots to the […]

“How Do Dinosaurs Say Goodnight?” and Dino Feet Craft

Creative Wednesdays Who doesn’t like dinosaurs? Girls and boys of all ages love dinosaurs. In How Do Dinosaurs Say Goodnight? by Jane Yolen human parents are trying to put young dinosaurs to bed. The dinosaurs in the book represent human children throwing temper tantrums when it’s time to go to bed. Do yourself a favor […]

Heart-Shaped Pizza

With Valentine’s Day in a few days I made a heart-shaped pizza with my Nanny Kid. She likes pesto sauce more than tomato based sauce so we used pesto sauce with shredded mozzarella cheese to make this delicious lunch or dinner. It tastes amazing! I highly recommend trying pesto sauce on pizza if your kids […]

Homemade Heart Lacing Cards

I printed out the heart lacing card template from jennyatdapperhouse to make these lacing cards out of carboard boxes we needed to recycle. You can also trace cookie cutters onto cardboard or foam sheets from the craft store to make your own lacing cards. My 7-year-old Nanny Kid spent hours coming up with different lacing […]

Kick the Paci Habit with Paci Weaning System

Pacifiers work great to help soothe newborns and infants. But, it’s best to get rid of pacifiers as early as possible. Continued use of pacifiers after babies have teeth can cause an overbite in the child. Dentists recommend kicking the paci habit by the time baby is 12-months-old. That’s why the FridaBaby Paci Weaning System […]