Should Nannies Insist on Use of Nanny Cams to Protect Themselves?

Nanny Charged After Found Hitting and Kicking Infant on Nanny Cam We have often spoken about proper screening of nanny candidates and performing proper background check on domestic workers before hiring them. We even published a series about misleading advertising on some nanny web sites claiming they pre-screen their caregivers.  Of course, those familiar with […]

Au Pair and Nanny Privacy and Confidentiality Survey

Monthly Poll ResultsIn April, 2008, 596 people that took the Best Nanny Newsletter monthly poll at Five hundred and seven of the survey participants were nannies or au pairs, 38 were parents, and 37 were nanny agency staff or owners. Below is just a small portion of the survey that applies to the discussion […]

Nannies, Au Pairs, Children, and Privacy

Respecting the Privacy of Children While Teaching Them to Respect PrivacyTo get back to the topic of privacy that we have been discussing, children must learn to respect privacy and caregivers must respect children’s privacy when possible. By the time children are ready to enter school, they must have a well developed respect of the […]


Nannies and au pairs should expect total privacy from employers against all searches of personal property unless nannies freely consent to such searches. Without prior permission, parents cannot open or examine the contents of packages, bags, coats, or any personal property of nannies and au pairs. Diaries, mail, and personal computers are not subject to […]