Using Positive Opposites to Encourage Good Behavior in Children

As a nanny I cannot, and should not, ever tell parents how to raise their children. But while working as a nanny I do like trying to use parenting concepts that encourage good behavior in children, while making kids feel good about themselves. Dr. Alan Kazdin is the author of “The KAZDIN Method for Parenting […]

Decoding Boys by Cara Natterson

Weekly Trip to the Library Not all nannies care just for infants and toddlers. For most of my nanny jobs I helped care for older boys until they went to junior high school, high school, and then I worked as a family assistant as the eldest son went off to college. In my past nanny […]

The ADHD Workbook for Kids

Weekly Trip to the Library I love the The ADHD Workbook for Kids. I originally just borrowed the book from the library but decided to buy a copy to keep in my nanny library to use for the rest of my nanny career. The workbook helps children learn new Emotional Intelligence. Emotional Intelligence includes the […]

Building a Work Ethic: The Role of Chores

How to Raise an Adult by Julie Lythcott-Haims I am reading How To Raise an Adult by Julie Lythcott-Haims. The book makes a great point that I have often thought about working as a nanny for affluent children. Compared to their less-advantaged peers, children in middle-and upper-middle-class families often have the tasks of daily life […]

A Little Humility Goes a Long Way for Nannies and Parenting Coaches

Never make a parent feel like you know how to raise their kids better than they do! Last week I overheard a mother complaining to another parent about her nanny. The mother asked, “Does it sometimes feel like the nanny thinks she knows how to raise your kids better than you do?” When helping to […]

Does Hiring a Nanny Mean an Absent, Non-Responsive Parent Isn’t Neglectful?

Working for Neglectful Parents This week we discussed working for parents of different parenting styles as defined by child development researcher Diana Baumrind. A reader of Best Nanny Newsletter who works as a nanny for a single mother who has asked to remain anonymous emailed us for some advice. Her email reads, “Although the mother pays […]

Have You Ever Worked with Permissive, Indulgent Parents?

Indulgent and Permissive Parenting Style On our Facebook Page nannies admitted that working for permissive parents is harder than working for strict parents. Many people speculate that parents who themselves had a very strict upbringing, with their parents following the authoritative parenting style, want to make things easier for their kids so they practice the […]

How Nannies Should Bring Up Problems With Their Employers

Are Rules Sometimes Meant to Be Broken? Authoritative Parenting This week we are discussing working with parents of the four parenting styles defined by child development researcher Diana Baumrind. If you hear the parents (or yourself) often saying, “Because I said so” it’s likely they are (or you are) using an authoritative parenting style.  Adults […]

Do You Think it is Harder to Work for a Very Strict Parent or a Permissive Parent?

What Parenting Style Do Your Employers Use? Parenting styles have a profound effect on a child. A parents child-rearing style is one of the major influences on a child’s future well-being. The parent’s style of managing their kids affects their academic achievement, self-confidence, aggression, psychological strength, and capacity to cope with real-life challenges. Child development researcher Diana […]