“The Chinese New Year Dragon Nian” and Make a Fire Breathing Dragon

This is the year of the dragon for Chinese New Year, making it the perfect time to read “The Chinese New Year Dragon Nian” by Virginia Loh-Hagan and make a fire breathing dragon with the kids.

The Chinese New Year Dragon Nian” explains why people light firecrackers, wear red, and give food offerings to celebrate Chinese New Year.

In “The Chinese New Year Dragon Nian” a fierce dragon named Nian ruled the land until a magical warrior’s spell forced him underground. But each spring, the spell’s strength weakens and Nian awakes to fill his empty stomach — he especially likes eating boys and girls!

One night, the main character in the book, a little girl named Mei, dreams of the magical warrior, who charges her with defeating the monster.

The next day, clever Mei discovers that the dragon is afraid of loud noises. She tells the villagers to bang on pans and light firecrackers, scaring the monster off.

A few days later the dragon returns, and she discovers that it is afraid of fire and the color red. She tells everyone to wear red and light lanterns.

With each return of the dragon, another New Year’s tradition is explained, until finally she defeats the dragon for good.

You Will Need:

“The Chinese New Year Dragon Nian” by Virginia Loh-Hagan
Glue Stick
Hot Glue
Cardboard Roll
Construction Paper
Pom Poms
Googly Eyes
Strips of Tissue Paper

What to Do:

1. Cut a piece of construction paper to be the exact length of your cardboard roll.

2. Spread glue from a glue stick onto one side of the paper. Line up the ends of the paper with the ends of the paper roll, then wrap the paper around the roll so it’s completely covered.

3. Using a glue gun attach one of the googly eyes to the middle of one of a large pom pom. Repeat for the second googly eye and pom pom.

4. Using a glue gun attach each of the dragon eyes to one end of the cardboard roll.

5. Using a glue gun attach two smaller pom poms near the other end of the paper tube to make the dragon’s nose.

6. For the fire, cut scraps of red, yellow and orange tissue paper to be long pointy strips, about 9″ or 10″ long.

7. Spread some glue from a glue stick onto the straight end of one of the strips of tissue paper, then attach it to the inside of the paper roll under the dragon’s nose. Repeat, and keep gluing tissue paper to the inside of the paper roll as you work your way around the roll.

8. Take a deep breath, put your mouth on the end of the paper roll and blow!

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